Children’s Chiropractic Care in Chestermere to Help With Common Childhood Conditions
Although the basic premise for our children’s chiropractic care in Vantage Integrative Health + Wellness in Chestermere is the same whether the patient is 80 years old or 8 months old, the ever-growing and changing active little bodies of children have distinct needs depending on their stage of development. Generally, children respond much faster and more profoundly to chiropractic care than adults do. They have not subjected their bodies to the same years of abuse that we have. Another major difference is that pain is not a primary system. This can make it more difficult for parents to know when kids need to visit their chiropractor. There are certain clues that we can watch for to gain more understanding in this area, such as postural changes, only wanting to breastfeed from one side, being off-balance, and running with a limp. As mentioned before, the amount of force used and the specific techniques utilized vary depending on the unique needs of individual children and what stage of development they are currently in.
Common Childhood Conditions
Here is a list of common childhood conditions that families have seen a great impact from chiropractic care that you may not have thought of as chiropractic issues. Chiropractors do not necessarily treat or cure these conditions, but they have been shown to help in profound ways by treating the children suffering from them and enhancing their general health. Chiropractic treatments can help with:
Growing pains
Breastfeeding difficulties
Sports injuries (like little league elbow)
Dr. Ayesha Ebrahim has undergone specific, advanced training to be able to address the special needs of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. She combines her clinical nutritional training with chiropractic care and her passion for this population to provide the unique, tailored support that these families require.